The Green Project
Giving Back and Going Green as an Eco-Friendly Team!

The Green Project is a three-part initiative that provides clients with several opportunities to give back to their community and learn about sustainable living practices. This program thrives on donation, education, and regeneration. The Green Project teaches clients how to care about a cause bigger than themselves and what they can each do to make a difference for themselves, their community, and the environment.

1. Seed to Table To Compost
Project participants, who choose to be part of the Greenhouse Team, will receive support from DCC staff to access education regarding eco-friendly growing practices, maintaining greenhouse functionality, harvesting crop yields, and composting techniques.
Clients are given instruction on how to properly harvest, prepare, and eat healthy sustainable food options and how to turn the remnants from those options back into compost. They also collaborate with their support staff to learn WHY it is important to eat healthy, grow sustainably, and how doing so benefits our planet and environment.
On-site, we have four 12' long raised produce beds, two fully functional greenhouses, and several smaller in-ground plots for herbs and flowers. Clients get to choose which parts of the garden they want to care for and share in the harvested products from all parts of the garden.

2. Shredding

We have two industrial shredders located in a secure location at our facility. Clients who chose to participate in shredding use these shredders to destroy documents that were either picked up from local businesses or dropped off at our center by individuals from the community.
The program charges $0.60 for every pound shredded. Once the shreds are processed, the clients receive assistance from support staff to deliver the shreds to the recycling center in Fortuna. All funds collected for shredding directly benefit clients in the program.
3. Recycling
Our recycling program operates by picking up used bottles and cans from local businesses or community members. The recyclables are then brought back to our facility where we have a designated recycling shed on-site.
Clients who choose to participate in recycling receive support from staff to sort the cans and bottles by color and type. Once the recyclables have been sorted, clients take turns delivering them to the recycling center and turning them in for money. Proceeds from the program directly benefit the clients and aid in sponsoring the Green Project.